Ten Brinke Slot Projectontwikkeling Bv


Het nieuwe studentencomplex is straks eigendom van studentenhuisvester DUWO. De ontwikkeling en bouw worden uitgevoerd door Ten Brinke Slot Projectontwikkeling en Plegt-Vos Bouwgroep. De studio’s komen beschikbaar in het studiejaar 2018-2019. DUWO laat een studententoren met 481 studentenwoningen bouwen Meer en meer studentenstad. ALTERA DUWO TEN BRINKE BOUW TEN BRINKE SLOT PROJECTONTWIKKELING BV. Dit bericht promoten. Delen op LinkedIn. 10.001 - 25.000 leden: €480: 25.001 - 50.000 leden. Geselecteerde kandidaten worden per mail uitgenodigd voor de bezichtiging op zaterdag 23 maart 10:00-13:00. Tijdens de kijkmiddag kun je een modelwoning bekijken. Je kunt dan een indruk krijgen van het gebouw. Let op: het is niet mogelijk de woning te bekijken die je hebt aangeboden gekregen, omdat we niet tot alle woningen toegang hebben. Ten Brinke Groep BV is opgericht in 1902 en is gevestigd in Varsseveld, Nederland. Site voor Hans ten Brinke -Ten Brinke Projectontwikkeling Nederland BV opereert als een onroerend goed ontwikkelaar. Het bedrijf ontwikkelt en realiseert turn-key projecten voor bestaande en nieuwe klanten. Het bedrijf is gevestigd in Varsseveld, Nederland.

  1. Ten Brinke Slot Projectontwikkeling Bv 500
  2. Ten Brinke Slot Projectontwikkeling Bvc
  3. Ten Brinke Slot Projectontwikkeling Bv 1000
  4. Ten Brinke Slot Projectontwikkeling Bv 100

Ten Brinke Slot Projectontwikkeling is reeds geruime tijd actief in de diverse vastgoeddisciplines. Wij voorzien steden van vernieuwende inspirende projecten op gebied van commercieel vastgoed.

Looking for a nice studio next to The Hague University of Applied Sciences? Register now at ROOM.nl and reply to the advertisement from 11 March!


You live completely independently in the lively surroundings of the new student complex at Leemansplein, where studying and socialising go hand in hand. With cafés and bars in the neighbourhood and The Hague University of Applied Sciences located virtually next door, there’s no better place to live when studying in The Hague. Public transport is just a short walk away, as is Megastores, where you can also do your daily shopping.


The student complex comprises 481 studios spread over 22 floors. Of these, 200 are rented fully furnished to international students. The remaining 281 rooms already have floor and wall coverings and curtains. You just have to bring your own furniture and you’re ready to move in!
The floor area of the studios is over 21 square metres, and each has a living area/kitchen and a bathroom with shower and WC. Each unit has heating radiators.
There’s an attractive common room on the ground floor where students can socialise, and there’s also a laundry equipped with washing machines and driers. You can park your bicycle in the locked bike parking area in the building.

*Picture: show house

Agreement and rents

Are you studying full-time in the Haaglanden region, Delft or Leiden? Then you’re eligible for a DUWO campus agreement.

Basic rent €410
Service charges €135
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Ten Brinke Slot Projectontwikkeling Bv 500

Total gross rent €545
Net rent* €375
*including housing benefit deduction of ± €170

What must you do to be eligible for a studio?

Register as soon as possible at ROOM.nl, the platform offering student accommodation. You can apply for this offer on the ROOM website from 11 March. N.B.: the studios are allocated on the basis of the length of your registration period.


1) When can I respond to a room on the Leemansplein?
You can respond to the ads through Room.nl from 08.00 hours 11 March to 18 March (You have one week to respond). Have you not yet registered? Then register soon with DUWO. Your registration time determines your position on the list of candidates.

2) When will I hear whether I am a candidate for a room at Leemansplein?
Candidates will receive an e-mail explaining the sequence after Monday 18 March (it could be 1-2 days later).

3) When is the viewing for Leemansplein?
Selected candidates will be invited by e-mail for a viewing session on Saturday 23 March 10:00-13:00. During the viewing you can see a model house. You can then get an impression of the building. Please note that it is not possible to see the house that you've been offered, because we do not have access to all of the houses. Other viewing times are not possible. If you cannot make it on the selected date, you can ask someone else to view it for you.

Ten Brinke Slot Projectontwikkeling Bvc

Read all FAQ's here!

Looking for a nice studio next to The Hague University of Applied Sciences? Register now at ROOM.nl and reply to the advertisement from 11 March!


Ten brinke slot projectontwikkeling bv 500

You live completely independently in the lively surroundings of the new student complex at Leemansplein, where studying and socialising go hand in hand. With cafés and bars in the neighbourhood and The Hague University of Applied Sciences located virtually next door, there’s no better place to live when studying in The Hague. Public transport is just a short walk away, as is Megastores, where you can also do your daily shopping.


The student complex comprises 481 studios spread over 22 floors. Of these, 200 are rented fully furnished to international students. The remaining 281 rooms already have floor and wall coverings and curtains. You just have to bring your own furniture and you’re ready to move in!
The floor area of the studios is over 21 square metres, and each has a living area/kitchen and a bathroom with shower and WC. Each unit has heating radiators.
There’s an attractive common room on the ground floor where students can socialise, and there’s also a laundry equipped with washing machines and driers. You can park your bicycle in the locked bike parking area in the building.

*Picture: show house

Agreement and rents

Are you studying full-time in the Haaglanden region, Delft or Leiden? Then you’re eligible for a DUWO campus agreement.

Basic rent €410
Service charges €135
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Total gross rent €545
Net rent* €375
*including housing benefit deduction of ± €170

What must you do to be eligible for a studio?

Register as soon as possible at ROOM.nl, the platform offering student accommodation. You can apply for this offer on the ROOM website from 11 March. N.B.: the studios are allocated on the basis of the length of your registration period.


1) When can I respond to a room on the Leemansplein?
You can respond to the ads through Room.nl from 08.00 hours 11 March to 18 March (You have one week to respond). Have you not yet registered? Then register soon with DUWO. Your registration time determines your position on the list of candidates.

2) When will I hear whether I am a candidate for a room at Leemansplein?
Candidates will receive an e-mail explaining the sequence after Monday 18 March (it could be 1-2 days later).

Ten Brinke Slot Projectontwikkeling Bv 1000

3) When is the viewing for Leemansplein?
Selected candidates will be invited by e-mail for a viewing session on Saturday 23 March 10:00-13:00. During the viewing you can see a model house. You can then get an impression of the building. Please note that it is not possible to see the house that you've been offered, because we do not have access to all of the houses. Other viewing times are not possible. If you cannot make it on the selected date, you can ask someone else to view it for you.

Read all FAQ's here!

Ten Brinke Slot Projectontwikkeling Bv 100